Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What is a Blog?

Hi everyone!
       Is this your first time in a blog?
       Don't know what is it?  What is it used for?  What you can use it for?
       I invite you to click on the following short video to know a little bit
       more about this great resource available for everyone.

Monday, September 30, 2013

What is a letter?

                  What is a letter?
Basically, it is a message from one person to another, from one organization to another or from an individual to an organization. It can either be hand-written, typed, or printed.  
To some extent, it has some advantages over the other modes of communication:
·      The letter can reach anyone, anywhere, whether or not they have phones, computers or any other sophisticated or expensive gargets. Truthfully speaking, not everyone can afford to own a computer or access one, so it is impossible for such ones to receive e-mails and the like. However, as long as you have a home, you can be sure that a letter will reach you.
·      In instances where hard copy is preferable to soft copy, the letter is most useful. For example, you may need to send invoices, receipts, bank drafts, checks, certificates, resumes, application forms etc. to someone or to an organization. In such situations, soft copies will simply be impractical.
·      When corresponding to companies or other businesses, hand written letters are often seen as an indication of someone’s seriousness or commitment. Since letter-writing requires some effort, the one who does so is seen to be a highly interested party.
·      There is some kind of formality that seems more innate in the letter than any other mode of communication. Therefore, more often than not, business people send letters, especially to those whom they have never met before.

Internet Resource link:

          After this brief introduction on what is a letter I invite you to go through the rest
of the blog to know a little bit more about which are the main parts of an informal letter as to suggestions of informal expressions you can include while writing one. 

         As a hands on activity you will need to do two different informal letters.  Follow the suggestions given and pay close attention to the model of the rubric included and their due dates.

         In the end I'm willing to see a TERRIFIC JOB!!!!






Hi Students;
             Here's a model of the rubrics I will use when grading your works.
Use it as a guide to know which are the criteria I'll looking for in your work
so in the end your work will look: TERRIFIC!!!

Name:____________________________     Group:____           Date:__________________
English Class                                                                                                 Mrs. Maldonado
Reading Selection: The Science Behind Extreme Sports
Assessment Activity: Writing a Friendly Letter                                         Total value: 56 pts.          

7 pts
5 pts
Needs Improvement
3 pts
1 pts
Address and date are in the proper place. Correct use of capitalization and commas.
Missing one of the following: components: Address and date are in the proper place. Capitalization and commas used correctly.
Missing two of the following components: Address and date are in the proper place. Capitalization and commas are used correctly.
Missing three or more of the following components: Address and date are in the proper place. Capitalization and commas are used correctly.
Proper greeting is in the correct place. Proper use of command & capitalization of the name.
Missing one component of the following: Proper greeting in the correct place, proper name’s capitalization or proper use of comma.
Missing two components of the following: Proper greeting is in the correct place, proper name’s capitalization of the name, or proper use of the comma.
Missing three or more components from the following: Proper greeting is used in the correct place, proper capitalization of the name, or proper use of the comma.
Capital letter used at the beginning of each sentence.  Correct punctuation mark is used at the end of each sentence. The letter is in order and makes sense.
Missing one component from the following: Capital letter used at the beginning of each sentence, correct punctuation mark used at the end of each sentence. The letter is in order and makes sense.
Missing two components from the following: Capital letter used at the beginning of each sentence, Correct punctuation mark at the end of each sentence, The letter is in order & makes sense.
Missing three or more components from the following: Capital letter is not used at the beginning of each sentence. Correct punctuation mark is not used at the end of each sentence. The letter is not in order & does not make sense.
Proper closing is included &  used in the proper place. Correct use of comma included.
Proper closing is included & used in the proper place. Correct use of comma is not included.
Proper closing is included. Closing is not used in the proper place. Comma’correct use isn’t included.
Proper closing is not included. Closing  not used in the proper place. Correct use of comma is not included.
Proper signature included. Signature is in the proper place. Name capitalized.
Proper signature included. Signature is used in the proper place. Name is not properly capitalized.
Proper signature included. Signature not used in the proper place. Name not capitalized.
Proper signature not included. Signature not used in the proper place. Name not properly capitalized.
Capitalization and Punctuation
No errors in capitalization and punctuation.
Writer makes 1-3 errors in capitalization and punctuation.
Writer makes 4-6 errors in capitalization and punctuation
Writer makes more than 7 errors in capitalization and punctuation.
Ideas are clear and organized.  Easy to figure out what the letter was about.
Ideas in pretty clear manner, but the organization could have been better.
Ideas somewhat organized, but were not very clear. Took more than 1 reading to figure out what the letter was about.
Letter seemed to be a collection of unrelated sentences. Difficult to figure out what the letter was about.
All sentences complete, well-constructed (no fragments, run-ons) & of varied structure
All sentences are complete and well-constructed (no fragments, no run-ons).
Most sentences are complete and well-constructed.
Many sentence fragments or run-on sentences.

                                                                                                                                                                     Total Points:  _________
Observations:   ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hands on Activities

English Class                                                                               Mrs. Cynthia Maldonado
Unit 9. 4: It's a Matter of Opinion
Theme: Informal Letters
Practice Activity:

As a practice exercise on the theme: Informal Letters you will need to work in two activities.
  1. The first one reads as follows.
           a. Link in the following internet address:
           b. Follow the instructions given, step by step.
           c. then after you finish with the activity either print out a copy from and turn
               it to the teacher on class or either send it to her school e-mail address:

             The rubrics for grading this first assignment is presented through in the:
             rubrics section.  It's due date is: Thursday October 3, 2013.

    2.  Then ...Imagine a friend ended up in a hospital after trying an extreme sport. 
         What would you say to him or her? Write a letter to this friend explaining
          what you think about the accident.


          GOOD TO KNOW:

While doing your activities remember that::
  a.  Each writing activity need to turn in separate sheet of paper
  b.  Need to answer in paragraph/composition/letter format
(according to theme style format)
  c. Watch for grammar, coherence and sentence structure.
      (subject + verb + compliment= sentence)
  d. Neatness on paper and work presentation
  e.  Heading (on back of the paper as ask by teacher)                                                   
  f.  Responsibility (Turn in on time= 5 pts. per each day tardy;
                                                            max. 3 days delay)
Note: a more detailed rubric together with the due dates will be given to the students in class for them to use as a guide while doing their works.



Samples of Informal Expressions to use in letters

English Class                                                          Mrs. Cynthia Maldonado

Unit 9.4 It’s Matter of Opinions                   Textbook: Scholastic Read XL

Reading Selection: The Science Behind Extreme Sports                 

Genre: Nonfiction Article                                                      Pages: 20-28

Theme: Informal Letters                   Sub-theme: Informal Expressions

    The following are a list of possible expressions you may use when

     writing an informal letter. 

Part of the Letter
Informal Expression
Hi/Hello Mary
Mary,....(or no name at all)
Previous contact
Thanks for your e-mail.
Re your e-mail,...
Sorry, I haven't written for ages, but I've been really busy.
Reason for writing
Just a short note about...
I'm writing about...
Here's the...you wanted.
I got your name from...
Please note that...
Giving information
Just a note to say...
We can confirm that...
Good news!
I've attached...
Here is the...you wanted.
Asking for information
Can you tell me a little more about...
I'd like to know...
Please send me...
Please could you...
Could you...?
Can I have...?
I'd appreciate your help on this.
Promising action
I'll look into it.
I'll get back to you soon.
Offering help
Do you want me to...?
Shall I...?
Let me know if you'd like me to...
Final comments
Thanks again for...
Let me know if you need anything else.
Just give me a call if you have any questions. My number is...
Looking forward to...(+ -ing)
Best wishes to...
Speak to/See you soon.
Bye (for now) / All the best